Sunday, October 4, 2009

Art teachers, start your exploration here

For teachers looking to incorporate technology and digital media into their art classroom, and speak with other art educators, a great community to join is: Art Education 2.0.

This uses web 2.0 technologies to help art teachers share their knowledge and expertise. It uses blogs, forums, chat, video and photo postings, and allows people to communicate through individual profiles. There are also groups to discuss interests and issues specific to student problems, geographic location, types of position of teachers such as:
-New Jersey Art Educators
-AP Studio Art Teachers
-Art education with students at-risk

And forums on:
-Digital Practices in the Artroom
-Elementary Art Education
-Teaching Art in Alternative Settings
and several more

You can explore the questions asked, forums and blogs (and start your own of course) to find info on how to incorporate these technologies into the classroom. A brief search produced the blog (“For Art teachers and Tech teachers interested in integrating Digital Arts into their classroom”). Again much of the site will help with specifically blended learning, enhancing the in-person classroom with digital resources, and is a great place to start.

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